
Louisburg College provides each student and employee a campus email account via 谷歌邮件. Campus email is the primary method of communication between Louisburg College and 学生. Every enrolled student and current faculty and staff member has an official Louisburg College e-mail address established and assigned by the Information Technology 部门. 教师 members use the official college e-mail address to communicate with 学生 registered in their classes and send messages directly from their class 门户网站. Additionally, all administrative offices using e-mail to correspond with enrolled 学生 will do so via this address. 学院 expects 学生 to check their official e-mail addresses on a frequent and consistent basis to stay current with college communications. 学生’ failure to open and read college communications delivered on time to their e-mail address does not excuse them from complying with such communications’ content and instructions. 

学院 does allow 学生 to forward their e-mail from their official college e-mail address to another provider but do so at their own risk. Louisburg College is not responsible for the handling of e-mail of other service providers. 有电子邮件 forwarded does not absolve 学生 from knowing and complying with the content of communications sent to their official college e-mail address.

No one may send or forward e-mail through a college system or network for 目的 that violate college policy or constitute an illegal or criminal action. 

学院 considers e-mail private, confidential information and keeps it as personal 尽可能. It will treat attempts to read another person's e-mail with the utmost 严重性. No college employee or system administrator will read any mail unless deemed necessary under specific job requirements or by judicial subpoena. 学院 makes every effort to respect e-mail privacy and adhere to state and federal statutes governing e-mail confidentiality. However, the college reserves the right to investigate viruses and illicit activity that e-mail systems can introduce.

If requested by the person assigned to the e-mail account, information technology personnel may enter an e-mail account to assist with problem identification and resolution. Users should be aware that deleting electronic information does not erase such information from the system storage until overwritten with other data. The data resides in the college's network either on various back-up systems and media until personnel overwrites it.

学院 forbids SPAM e-mail or other on-line messages such as chain letters, obscene, harassing, or other unwelcome notifications. IT does not allow unsolicited e-mail messages to multiple users unless explicitly used for college instruction or business 目的. The appropriate college authority must grant any exceptions. 所有的电子邮件 must show accurately where and from whom the posting originated, except in anonymous 邀请. Louisburg College reserves the right to refuse mail and other communications from outside hosts that send unsolicited, mass, commercial messages or those that appear to contain a virus or illicit material. 学院 will refuse, filter or disregard such communications.